19 May this year, Parliament passed the Societies (Amendment) Bill to
introduce an Automatic Registration scheme for societies. The Automatic
Registration regime will take effect from
Sept 2004
this scheme, groups can be granted immediate registration as long as their
application is accompanied by:
A declaration that the society’s objects, purpose or activities are
not those specified in the Schedule (see Annex);
A copy of the proposed rules of the society; and
Payment of the registration fee of $200.
prevent abuse of the scheme, the Societies Act was also amended to empower the
Minister to dissolve a society if it had obtained automatic registration
through false declarations in its registration. In addition, the Registrar of
Societies Act may also order a society to change its name or rules.
categories of societies listed in the Schedule, these groups can continue to
apply for registration through the normal process, as it is done now.
group wishing to register their society can do so online via the Registry of
Societies Electronic System (ROSES) at http://www.mha.gov.sg/ros
or http://www.safetyandsecuritytown.gov.sg
or over-the-counter at the Registry of Societies.
Source: Registry of Societies
Press Release 27 Aug 2004