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     Government: Defence


     Apply for exit permits online

     New one-stop Internet portal for servicemen


Compensation for dead and injured SAF servicemen

"MINDEF applies similar principles and practices used by the civil courts or the Workmen's Compensation Act (WCA) to determine compensation for deaths and injuries due to service...

"MINDEF does not buy insurance for its servicemen because MINDEF itself takes on the liability of paying compensation its servicemen for deaths and injuries arising from service through MINDEF's compensation framework..."



Exit permit rules relaxed for National Servicemen from 1 Aug 2006

"Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) will henceforth be exempted from applying for exit permits for short overseas trips of less than 3 months...

"NSmen who have completed their Operationally-Ready National Service Training Cycle and have been phased into the MINDEF Reserve (MR) will no longer be required to notify the MNC of their overseas trips of more than 24 hours and less than 6 months..."


     National Service Registration





1 SIR turns 50

"Formed on 12 March 1957 as a regular infantry battalion, 1 SIR was involved in protecting Singapore's internal security during the tumultuous period of the 1950s and the 60s...

"Operations that the unit undertook before independence included enforcing curfews during the racial riots in Singapore in 1964, as well as patrolling areas of Sabah and Johor during the Confrontation between 1963 and 1964..."





New Maritime Command and Control Centre in Changi

"The SMSC will bring together elements from key domestic maritime agencies such as the Republic of Singapore Navy, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore and the Police Coast Guard under one roof...

"The Changi C2 Centre is expected to become operational in 2009..."







     - Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) ups fines for errant soldiers


     - Navy launches first locally built frigate on 3 Jul 2004

     - Defence Minister inaugurates Apache helicopter detachment in USA

     - Foreign Minister speaks on question of joint patrols at Pedra Branca

     - RSS Courageous Memorial - Remembering 3 Jan 2003

     - RSAF's 112 Squadron acquires FOC with its KC-135Rs

     - Singapore celebrates 35 years of national service

     - Singapore receives first AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter

     - Navy Exhibition - The Transformation

     - If there is a war, why should we fight?


     Web sites  165 Squadron Air Defence Brigade, Air Defence Systems Division, Republic Of Singapore Air Force (RSAF).





Death of Serviceman

MAJ Tan was talking with his colleagues after completing a 1.2km self-paced run when he suddenly collapsed. He was given prompt medical attention and evacuated to the National University Hospital (NUH) at about 8.45am.






Defence Minister speaks on Cpl Dave Teo in Parliament

CPL Teo was assigned patrolling duties on the night of the incident. Procedures require patrolling duties to be conducted on 2 hour shifts and in pairs, to ensure mutual support and responsibility while on duty. Guards on patrol duties are also required to make situational reports to the Guard Room at half hourly intervals.
These procedures were not carried out properly on the night that CPL Teo was on duty. If they had been properly enforced, it would have been extremely difficult for him to have left camp undetected, and even if he had managed to slip out, his absence would probably have been detected and reported earlier...



Police arrest armed full-time national serviceman in Orchard Road

"Police apprehended an armed 20-year-old SAF serviceman along Orchard Road near Orchard Cineleisure at about 8pm on 3 Sept 2007.
"The serviceman had gone missing from Mandai Hill Camp on the night of 2 September 07 with a rifle and some ammunition that had been issued to him..."



Singapore conducts major multi-agency maritime security exercise

"Led by the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN) Coastal Command (COSCOM), this annual exercise involves some 2,000 personnel from the RSN, the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and the Army, as well as the Police Coast Guard (PCG), the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), and the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)..."




Compensation for dead and injured SAF servicemen

"MINDEF applies similar principles and practices used by the civil courts or the Workmen's Compensation Act (WCA) to determine compensation for deaths and injuries due to service...

"MINDEF does not buy insurance for its servicemen because MINDEF itself takes on the liability of paying compensation its servicemen for deaths and injuries arising from service through MINDEF's compensation framework..."



1 SIR turns 50

"Formed on 12 March 1957 as a regular infantry battalion, 1 SIR was involved in protecting Singapore's internal security during the tumultuous period of the 1950s and the 60s...

"Operations that the unit undertook before independence included enforcing curfews during the racial riots in Singapore in 1964, as well as patrolling areas of Sabah and Johor during the Confrontation between 1963 and 1964..."


      - Economy drive saves the Government $559m in FY06

     - Higher starting pay for those joining Mindef and SAF


Two SAF servicemen die in incident in Taiwan

"At 9:25 am this morning, a Taiwan Air Force F5F aircraft crashed into a storeroom located within a Taiwanese military facility, resulting in a fire at the storeroom...
"Two SAF servicemen are injured and are being treated in hospital. Seven others have minor injuries. Two bodies have been found and their identities are being verified. The next of kin of the affected servicemen have been informed. The rest of the SAF personnel in Taiwan are safe and accounted for...."




     - Commemorating 40 years of National Service


New Maritime Command and Control Centre in Changi

"The SMSC will bring together elements from key domestic maritime agencies such as the Republic of Singapore Navy, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore and the Police Coast Guard under one roof...

"The Changi C2 Centre is expected to become operational in 2009..."


     - TAF & Mindef physical fitness performance awards for schools 2006

     - Seventh Annual Singapore Biathlon


     - RSAF to be reorganised into five commands


     - Singapore to acquire refurbished Leopard Tanks from Germany

     - One-stop NS portal launched


Programme to help NSmen prepare for IPPT

"The IPT is a voluntary programme designed to help NSmen prepare for their annual Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT)...

"The IPT consists of ten sessions, lasting three hours each, spread over five weeks. NSmen can take their IPPT during the eighth session. If they pass the test, they will qualify for the IPPT Monetary Award pegged to the results that they achieve..."



     - Death of Serviceman



Exit permit rules relaxed for National Servicemen from 1 Aug 2006

"Full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) will henceforth be exempted from applying for exit permits for short overseas trips of less than 3 months...

"NSmen who have completed their Operationally-Ready National Service Training Cycle and have been phased into the MINDEF Reserve (MR) will no longer be required to notify the MNC of their overseas trips of more than 24 hours and less than 6 months..."



New Singapore biometric passports from 15 Aug 2006

"To facilitate a smooth transition to the BioPass system, ICA will have to close some of its passport application services counters from 9 Aug 2006...

"This will allow ICA to install and test the BioPass systems before its actual launch. As such, only limited passport application avenues will be available from 10 to 14 August 2006..."


 Introduction of the Singapore Biometric Passport - Revisions To Exit Control Measures



     - Commando officer dies during training in swimming pool

     - Singapore and United States navies participate in annual CARAT exercise




Amended Enlistment Act requires males 13 years & older to get exit permits

MINDEF will require pre-enlistees aged 13 to 16½ to apply for Exit Permits if they intend to be away from Singapore for 3 months or more...

Those who require Exit Permits of 2 years or more will be required to furnish a bond...

The penalty regime for Exit Permit offences for those aged 13 to 16½ will be only a fine of up to $2,000, with no custodial sentences...

We will thus be introducing a new offence in the Enlistment Act under which parents and guardians can be made liable for the Exit Permit offences of their children or wards of ages 13 to 16½ so that the penalty can be imposed on their parents or guardians when the circumstances warrant it. The penalty regime for the offence will also be a fine of up to $2,000.


     - Defence Minister Teo speaks on training deaths in 2005


2nd Defence Minister speaks on NS deferment & disruption

Therefore, MINDEF will only grant deferment for pre-enlistees to gain their basic educational qualifications of ‘A’ levels, polytechnic diploma, or below.

This is reasonable as most of our 18 year old NS enlistees would either have completed their basic qualification programme or are about to complete it.
As university degrees are considered higher educational qualifications, deferments for university studies will no longer be allowed. This new policy for deferments has been in place from the end of last year.




     - 700,000 serving and ex-NSmen may get 40th NS anniversary bonus

     - Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) ups fines for errant soldiers


MINDEF to press for jail sentence in serious cases of NS defaulters

"Since the appeal case in the High Court in 1993, besides Melvyn Tan there have been 13 other cases of convicted defaulters who were sentenced only to a fine and who were not subsequently enlisted because they were already over 40 or almost 40.

"This is something that we need to look into more closely, especially as there may now be more defaulters who are 40 or older coming before the courts with the passing of time...
"MINDEF will be proposing to the House to increase the maximum fine provided for in the Enlistment Act from the current $5,000 to $10,000...
"...from now on, MINDEF will ask the prosecutor to press for a jail sentence in serious cases of NS defaulters, and explain why we consider a jail sentence appropriate in a particular case... "




Defence Minister comments on death of Special Operations Force soldier

I am very grateful that there are people like 2SG Ong, men like that in the unit, who come forward to take on this demanding task.

They know that at any moment, they may be called, and their lives are on the line. So they take training very seriously and they look after each other very seriously. If there are any shortcomings, if there are any persons who have failed to perform their duty properly, then of course, we will rectify this shortcoming. And the persons who have not performed their duties properly, they will have to be called to task.



     - National Service Dues: Did pianist Melvyn Tan get off too lightly?


      - Launch of Eyes In The Sky Initiative


MINDEF Statement on Next Fighter Replacement Programme
In response to media queries on the status of the SAF’s Next Fighter Replacement Programme (NFRP), a spokesperson said that MINDEF is now in the process of seeking final clarifications and contract negotiation with Boeing.
Source: News Release 5 Sep 2005

     - In-camp Training for National Servicemen cut to 10 years

     - RSN receives first of six new frigates

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Commenced on 9 Jul 2001