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     Further detentions and releases under the Internal Security Act

Continued from FrontPage of Article

Comments By DPM and Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Wong Kan Seng on Recent ISA Detentions, 9 June 2007

Abdul Basheer's case reminds all Singaporeans that we cannot take our security for granted. He is not the first self-radicalised Singaporean that ISD has investigated. There were several others, whom ISD had detected and counselled in earlier stages of radicalisation. What this shows is that the phenomenon is a very real one, and that Singapore, like other countries, is not immune to the threat.

2 We must not let Abdul Basheer's case, or the detention of another 4 JI members, affect the current racial and religious harmony in Singapore. This security operation is not about the Muslim community which knows the importance of harmony and peace, but about individuals who stray onto the wrong path to become terrorists. Let us be very clear about this and not, as a result of these ISA detentions, cause us to have mutual suspicions of each other.

3 Terrorism is a national issue, that all Singaporeans - Muslims and non-Muslims alike - must work together to address. Our Muslim organisations and leaders have undertaken many initiatives in the last few years to counter radical ideology. They would intensify their efforts to reach out to vulnerable segments of the community, e.g the young, to explain the falsities of the radical ideology. We should also be alert to what our children are learning from the Internet or from unregistered and dubious religious teachers. We should guide them to the right sources of religious knowledge.

4. Still, all Singaporeans must continue to be vigilant and watch out for extremists in our society. The family, close friends, and even teachers are best positioned to detect anyone who strays into the wrong path and correct them. They should also report such cases to the Police for action.

We will deal firmly with those who participate in foreign terror activities - in or outside Singapore

5 There are a handful of Singaporeans who questioned the need to detain Abdul Basheer because he has not actually engaged in terrorist activities, and hence "from a legal perspective, he is innocent". They hold the view that Basheer "wasn't trying to target Singapore but trying to go overseas to take up his cause. That means there is no real threat to Singapore".

6 Let me say categorically to such people that this sort of thinking is very wrong and very dangerous. Many militants in Asia, the Middle East and the West, had in earlier years gone overseas to conduct militant jihad in countries like Afghanistan and Iraq. When they subsequently returned to their home countries, armed with knowledge and skills of terror, and a network of fellow militants, they conducted terrorist activities in their home countries. Many terrorists who carried out attacks in Saudi Arabia, were returnees from fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. In Singapore, many JI members in earlier years went to Mindanao in the Philippines, Afghanistan and Ambon in Indonesia, to participate in militant jihad and to train. They also plotted to carry out terrorist attacks in Singapore, as we found out in 2001. So we should not naively assume that Singaporeans who conduct terrorist attacks overseas, are not a threat to Singapore. How can we say that it is somehow "OK" if a Singaporean kills or plans to kill others in terrorist acts abroad, so long as those who die are not Singaporeans? How can we believe that a person who kills others because he sees them as enemies of his religion, will not be a security threat in Singapore? Surely a change of geography does not change his violent and extremist beliefs or his propensity to resort to terrorist violence to pursue these beliefs.

7. Any Singaporean who makes plans and takes part in violence whether in Singapore or abroad, or gives support of any form for any terror-related activities whether local or abroad, is a security threat and will be dealt with firmly.

8. We have worked hard at achieving the religious harmony and inter-communal trust we have today. The stakes for us are very high. We must not tolerate extremism which justifies terrorist violence. We will not tolerate terrorism in any form or under any guise. The Government will do its utmost to keep Singaporeans safe but all Singaporeans must practice zero tolerance for terrorism. Given the high stakes of race and religious harmony, inaction has serious consequences. This is why the Government will continue to take firm action against any individual who takes part in terrorist activities, be it in Singapore or overseas. They threaten the peace and harmony of our society.

Source: Media Release 8 Jun 2007