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     Local Talents: Art


          WU Tsai Yen  (1911 - 2001)


     Medium: Finger painting


     1911     Born in China's Fujian province

                 Studied art at Xin Hwa Art Academy in Shanghai

     1938     Settled in Singapore

                 Picked up finger painting at age of 30

     1954     Took finger painting abroad to London

     1979     Established San Yi Finger Painting Society

     1995     Raised S$150,000 for Mahaprajna Buddhist Society through auction

                 of paintings he donated

     1997     Raised S$320,000 for Ren Ci Hospital

     1997     Awarded the Public Service Star by Singapore Government

     2001     Donated 12 paintings to Singapore Art Museum

     2001     Died on 5 November of colon cancer


  Finger painter WU Tsai Yen died on Monday at the age of 91. WU found out nine months ago he had colon cancer when he went for a check-up. WU is often referred to as one of the pioneers of Singapore art. (Straits Times 8 Nov 2001(L3) More.....


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