Established in 1999



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     The Arts: Local Talents




       Motion Picture





          Star Awards 2001

          Star Awards 2000

          Golden Mike Awards

          Singapore Hit Awards

          Compass Awards 2001

          Compass Awards 2000

       If you know of any local talent and perhaps have some information to share with us, we would be delighted to read it and post it on our Local Talents pages. E-mail us at . We need your help to make this section come alive!

       We realise that our list is far from complete, and so too are the pictures of the local talents listed here. There are many local talents who have yet to be listed here. If you are a local talent and find that you are not listed here, it is only because we do not have the means to collate information on you. So please accept our apologies. When we are in a position to solve our staffing inadequacies, we will add your name here. It helps us greatly if you can volunteer information on yourself via e-mail to Then, we will be able to prepare a Web page solely for you on this website.

  We hope, with the help of our visitors, to be able to add more names shortly. However, although we would like to put up pictures of these artists, we have to be mindful of copyright matters. If you know of any local talent, and can get the person (s) to give us permission to use their photos, we will gladly put them up here for your viewing pleasure.