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     FrontPage Edition: Sat 23 June 2007

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Apple Scam Cheats Nabbed


Apple Scam Cheats Nabbed

On 22 June 2007 between 4.40pm to 4.50pm, the Police arrested 2 men at Tekka Hotel and with the assistance of the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, detained 3 women at Woodlands Checkpoint. They were suspected to be involved in a case of apple scam that was reported at around 3.45pm on the same day.
On 22 June 07, about 10am, the victim, a woman in her early 60s, was walking along Haig Road when she was approached by the first female culprit who pretended to ask her for the whereabouts of a Chinese medium believed to be staying in the vicinity.
When the victim replied that she did not know of his whereabouts, the first culprit asked the second female culprit who pretended to be a passer- by. The second culprit claimed to know the Chinese medium as she had sought his help previously. She then directed the victim and the first culprit to a nearby location and introduced the third female culprit who claimed to be the granddaughter of the said medium.
During their conversation, the third culprit informed the victim that she would be having bad luck in the near future. The victim then informed that she wanted to see the medium to ward off the bad luck. The third culprit advised the victim to bring her cash and jewelleries with her before she could meet the medium.
The victim returned home to collect her jewellery worth about $3,000/-, and withdrew cash amounting to about $24,000/- from her bank accounts.
On the same day at 2.00pm, the victim went back to Haig Road to meet the 3 culprits, who assisted to wrap her vaulables in newspaper. They swapped the newspaper containing the valuables with a newspaper bundle containing sundry goods before handing the swapped bundle to the victim and informed that the medium was engaged with other matters. The victim was also told to unwrap the newspapers only after reaching home.
On the same day at 3.30pm, the victim only realized that her valuables were missing after she unwrapped the newspaper bundle upon reaching home. The newspaper contained two packets of salt and three bottles of mineral water and a box of soap powder.
All 5 suspects will be charged in court on 23 June 2007 for cheating with common intention under Section 420 read with Section 34 of the Penal Code. If convicted, they face a maximum imprisonment of 7 years and shall also liable to a fine.
22 June 2007 @ 9.30PM

Source: 22 Jun 2007

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