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Factsheet - The Army Museum of
Artist's Impression of the New Army
Museum (Source:
Army Museum of Singapore will be housed in a new three-storey
building near the SAFTI Military Institute. Resembling three
rock-like structures, the architecture of the museum symbolises the
Army's quest for progress while being anchored to its mission,
values and people. The museum, which is expected to be ready in
2007, will feature six galleries showcasing the development of the
Army from its formative years to the present day:
This gallery introduces the Army's Mission while providing a preview
of the different galleries in the museum. The Army's mission
statement will be carved on a steel wall made from decommissioned
SM1 tanks while 30 TV screens will project various images depicting
national service and the Army.
Our Early Years
Visitors will be able to relive the experience of Army life in the
early days as they walk through an overturned bus lined with old
newsreels depicting the security challenges facing a
post-independence Singapore. A mock-up of the office of Dr Goh Keng
Swee, Singapore's first Defence Minister, will recount his vision
for the SAF in safeguarding Singapore's security and defence. An
interactive wall will outline the Army's capability development,
operations, and efforts to recognise NS over the years, while
highlighting the resilience and foresight of our pioneers.
Making of a Soldier
This gallery features the making of a citizen soldier and his NS
experiences with Basic Military Training (BMT), overseas training,
duties, and the like. A mock-up of a BMT bunk in 1970s with soldier
mannequins of different races performing their daily routines will
help rekindle the memories of first generation NSmen while
highlighting the contrast in conditions experienced by younger NSmen
today. Another highlight of this gallery will be the "turnstile"
display panels showcasing overseas training and Army duties.
Our Army Today
This gallery profiles a mission ready and capable second generation
Army. It reviews the threat environment facing Singapore and covers
the Army's successful military operations, its values and
contributions to enhancing defence diplomacy. There will be exciting
multimedia shows that integrate static displays of Army assets such
as SM1 tanks, FH88 39-calibre 155mm gun, and UH-1H helicopters with
the sounds of whizzing shells and the smell of gunpowder simulating
a battlefield environment.
Our Army in the Future
The possibilities for the Army's future transformation and its
evolution are presented here. Visitors can try their hand at
interactive gaming via virtual battle simulators, featuring advanced
and experimental weaponry and platforms.
Our People
This gallery presents an enduring tribute in appreciation of the
efforts of our people. Stories by units and individuals will be
archived for visitors to reminisce on the Army experience and
nurture an appreciation for the sacrifice, dedication and commitment
of successive generations of Singaporeans who have served in the
Army as active and NSmen. An electronic database will be available
for soldiers past and present to download course photos and personal
data. There will also be a "Connection" booth to encourage public
browsing of past course photos.