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Horoscope: ASTROLOGY ZONE® by Susan Miller        Singapore Time






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Estimated population of Singapore citizens and permanent residents - 3,163,500 as at June 1998.

Chinese            77%

Malays             14%

Indians            7.6%

Other ethnic groups 1.4%

Working Language: English

Other official languages: Mandarin, Malay & Tamil.

Planners expect the population of Singapore to reach 5.5 million by 2040 or 2050, taking into account an expected increase in the number of foreigners working here. From just 3 million in 1990, the number has swelled to 3.9 million today, including 700,000 foreigners.

A high-level working committee is now looking at ways to encourage more couples to have babies. Demographer Saw Swee Hock says that if the fertility rate continues to stay below two, the population here, minus the foreigners, will peak at about 3.3 million in 2025 and then begin to drop.


Singapore's water is clean and safe to drink from the tap. There is no need to boil it.



What's New on our website

DATING: Unfaithfully Yours by Lisa Chong

Update on HIV/AIDS situation in Singapore

Pets Websites


Death & Dying


Cancellation of registration - Schools

World War 2 - An Important Message

Singapore Driving Schools

Addresses of Police Stations/NPP

Internet Services Websites

Rental Rooms wanted

Rental Apartments Wanted

Water-Tide Table For Singapore

Members of the Housing & Development Board

Mail Box Service

New Justices of Peace

Local Talents (Comedy/Music/ Writing) Siva Choy

Local Talents (Vocal) Sun Yan Zi


Local Talents (Music) Budak Pantai

Internet Stuff - Construction

The WEATHER on WEDNESDAY: Showers with thunder in the late afternoon and early evening mainly over central, northern and eastern Singapore. WEATHER OUTLOOK: THURSDAY & FRIDAY: Afternoon showers with thunder can be expected.  WATER TIDES (this month) High tide 1.35am 2.7m  12.24pm  3.0m  SUN Sunrise  6.52am  Sunset 6.55pm MOON Moonrise  9.26am  Moonset  9.45pm  PSI: 25 (good) TEMPERATURE: 24-32  degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily before 8am Singapore time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel: (65) 542 7788.

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      Sixth Annual COMPASS Awards

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Mdm Kang's Kitchen Chilli Crabs

  The Sixth Annual Compass Awards took place on Sunday, 26 Nov 2000, at the Westin Stamford. Compass is the acronym for the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore.

  Here is the list of winners:
Composer of the year: Dick Lee
Young Composer of the year: Liew Chee Vun

Local Artist of the year: Kit Chan

Compass Artistic Excellence Award: Jacintha Abisheganaden, Iskandar Ismail, Soon John Kwang

Compass Meritorious Award: Lee Yuk Chuan and Jimmy Wee
Compass Lifetime Achievement Award: Choo Huey
English Pop Song: Vengeance Is Mine by Joseph Tan Kok Siong, Kim Cheong Hong, Sassoon Daniel Bernard and Muhammad Suhaimi Meedon (Livonia)
Chinese Pop Song: Si Xin Ta Di (Committed To You) by Quah Kwee Ming
Malay Pop Song: Syair Cinta (Love Poem) by Shanazrom Amat and Legina
Serious Music Award: Wings Of Joy by Tonni Wei Shi Ren
Soundtrack/Alternative Music: Garba by Yasotha Somasundram
Instrumental Contemporary Song: Tweakin Freak by Tan Paul Hwa, Tan Paul Guan and Case Michael Woo Park Chao (Quadmix)
Local Publisher of the year: Touch Music Publishing
Publisher of the year (overall): EMI Music Publishing

We received our 700,000th hit on 16 Nov 2000!

Get For Me Singapore is ONE year old today!

Letters to the Editor

If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail us at

NEW WEBSITES is the open-source travel portal. Interactive guides to hundreds of destinations, including Singapore. is the website of Tech Genesis Solutions, a young, fast moving e-Business integrator delivering time-to-market e-Business solutions. Through speed, innovation and efficiency, Tech Genesis Solutions delivers quality solutions that respond to the changing business needs of the new economy.

SPCA is the website of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Singapore.

Petshop is an online pet-lovers' community. You can exchange tips, buy, sell or adopt your pet here.

Lien Clinic For Women Singapore Gynaecologist practising in Mt Elizabeth Hospital. Doing minimally invasive surgery for endometriosis fibroids, infertility and abortion. is a new property portal which lets you tap the combined resources of blue-chip developers and consultants. Its shareholders are Pidemco Land, CB Richard Ellis, Jones Lang Lasalle, City Developments Ltd and MCL Land. is the website of A21, a power-packed, real-time and e-commerce enabled accounting software. Integrated with A2000 CartREADY, A21 allows you to set up an electronic storefront, conduct e-business transactions, and manage all your accounting information in one system.

Gifts Association Singapore has a comprehensive list of suppliers of corporate and premium gifts, such as stationery, mugs, watches, crystal, and writing instruments, for both corporate and retail buyers. is the website of William Lai & Alan Wong Advocates & Solicitors - Singapore Lawyers.

Click New Websites for the rest of the list.

BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in Singapore.


The Singaporean website community Set up your company's website here. More...

We are now 1,622 pages thick and growing.

Public Holidays CHRISTMAS DAY is the next public holiday. It falls on Monday 25 December 2000.

11 and still counting That's the number of MediaCorp Studios artistes so far to have resigned to cross over to rival MediaWorks set up by the SPH group.

New Societies Registered:
*Universal Football Club   80 Marine Parade #02-46/47 Parkway Parade Singapore 449269 (9 Nov 2000)

*Debate Association (Singapore)   157 Ceylon Road Singapore 429719 (13 Nov 2000)

*Sin Kee Basketball Club   6001  Beach Road #B1-35 Golden Mile Tower Singapore 199589 (14 Nov 2000)

Registration for national service for all male Singaporeans and permanent residents born between 13 Dec 1982 and 12 Mar 1983 started on 31 Jul 2000 and ends on 29 Sep 2000. For those born between 13 Mar 1983 & 12 Jun 1983, registration starts on 2 Oct 2000 & ends on 24 Nov 2000.


Singapore Government Website   Police Ministry Of Education  Consular Matters & Migrating (known as permanent residency)

Setting up a business? Do a free Name Search first to see whether the name you want is available. Click RCB.

The Singapore Economy

Please sign our guestbook... Thank you.

Sam's Pet Gallery - An Exhibition    22 Nov - 6 Dec 2000   12pm - 9pm   NTUC Hougang Mall Atrium Level 1.    Exotic fishes and aquatic animals, the latest tank set-up, various breeds of small and furry animals - rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters and mice, customised photography session with exhibits or your pet. Highlights: Free Pet Photography - you are only required to pay for the merchandise on which the picture is printed, eg. T-shirts, mugs, etc.

Romeo And Juliet  Choreography: Goh Choo San  Presented by Singapore Dance Theatre  13*, 14, 15 & 16 Dec 2000  8pm  Kallang Theatre *Ballet Ball - Donation of S$300, S$500, S$1000 per seat. Tickets at S$48, S$42, S$36, S$28 & S$18. Tickets from SISTIC at Tel: (65) 348 5555 or click SISTIC. For more information, please click SDT.

Christmas On Ice 2000  19 - 22 Dec 2000 Singapore Indoor Stadium  2pm, 5pm, & 8pm. 18 Dec 2000 Mandarin only 5pm, 8pm. Admission is free. Tickets from SISTIC at Tel: (65) 348 5555 or click SISTIC (after 5 Dec)

 See Entertainment for more information on local happenings!


Tourism Board

Tourist Arrival Statistics

BackPackers' Corner

Luggage Repair

Rent A Car
To get free copies of brochures on Singapore, including Singapore Official Guide, please click HERE.

Low Lying Areas In Singapore  Lists the flood-prone areas in Singapore.

Things you should know  Tells you things you need to be aware of - disasters, drowning cases, Hotel New World...
Good Eats

10 MUST VISIT places

2nd-hand Watches
Shopping Complaints

The top ten fiction and non-fiction titles sold at these bookstores last week

Top Ten KINOKUNIYA Bestsellers

 Top Ten BORDERS Bestsellers

 Top Ten MPH Bestsellers

Top Ten TIMES Bestsellers

Top Ten POPULAR Bestsellers

Top Ten W.H.SMITH Bestsellers

This website is updated throughout the day every day and the FrontPage is updated between 10.00 pm and 12.00am Singapore time (+8 hours GMT).  


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The Explore Singapore logo was first used on 24 Mar 2000. It is the property of and may not be copied or otherwise transmitted without the prior written permission of

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Wednesday 29 Nov 2000

The Straits Times' history

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30ml Gin

15ml Cherry Brandy

120ml Pineapple Juice

15ml Lime Juice

7.5ml Cointreau

7.5ml Dom Benedictine

10ml Grenadine

A dash of Angostura Bitters

Garnish with a slice of pineapple & cherry

The Singapore Sling was created by Raffles Hotel bartender Mr Ngiam Tong Boon.