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Estimated population of Singapore citizens and permanent residents - 3,163,500 as at June 1998.

Chinese            77%

Malays             14%

Indians            7.6%

Other ethnic groups 1.4%

Working Language: English

Other official languages: Mandarin, Malay & Tamil.

Planners expect the population of Singapore to reach 5.5 million by 2040 or 2050, taking into account an expected increase in the number of foreigners working here. From just 3 million in 1990, the number has swelled to 3.9 million today, including 700 000 foreigners.

A high-level working committee is now looking at ways to encourage more couples to have babies. Demographer Saw Swee Hock says that if the fertility rate continues to stay below two, the population here, minus the foreigners, will peak at about 3.3 million in 2025 and then begin to drop.


Singapore's water is clean and safe to drink from the tap. There is no need to boil it.


The Editor

Raymond Han

You can e-mail him at


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HDB Flats Built Over The Years

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Teddy-Bear Making Workshops by Jennifer Laing

The Esplanade - Theatres On The Bay

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House Agents' CEHA

Singaporean Cooking

The WEATHER TODAY: Showers with thunder in the afternoon, mainly over northern, eastern and central Singapore. TOMORROW'S WEATHER  Afternoon showers with thunder can be expected for Saturday and Sunday. WATER TIDES High tide  1.20am 2.8m  2.39pm 2.4m  SUN Sunrise 7.06 am Sunset 7.17 pm MOON Moonrise 10.57pm  10.33am  PSI: 50 (good) TEMPERATURE: 25-33  degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily at 8am Singapore time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel: (65) 542 7788.    

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Currency Converter      Singapore Currency Notes      My E-mail Account

     Project Eyeball goes online!


Stroll along Orchard Road - the shopping heart of Singapore    

Click logo to start tour

Coming Soon: A walk through HKL's CityLink: Singapore's first subterranean mall

Mdm Kang's Kitchen Chilli Crabs

  A new morning tabloid, Project Eyeball, is set to be launched in August 2000. Meanwhile, its Internet version had a soft launch a few days ago at

  Project Eyeball is Singapore Press Holdings' first new newspaper in 12 years. It caters to the young, hip and opinionated working group aged 20 to 40. The new paper definitely has a fresh angle - it not only provides news, but also actively solicits the readers' views and provides a platform for them to air their views.

  In fact, in the past few days, Project Eyeball splashed advertisements in the local newspapers asking the general public what kind of newspaper would appeal to them. In so doing, Project Eyeball is giving Singaporeans a chance to fashion their own newspaper.

  The print version will be published from Monday to Saturday, with a Sunday Edition available at its website. Project Eyeball hopes to have a readership of about 35,000 and 100,000 in one and five years respectively.

  Why not pay them a visit now? They are Just A Click Away at

We received our 200,000th hit on 26 Jun 2000!

If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail us at

NEW WEBSITES is a travel website launched on 19 Jul 2000. is designed to help consumers shorten the process of buying selection. Buyers can obtain competitive price quotations from vshopper. helps you buy or sell your car. Also has a free valuation service provided on screen in the comfort of your home Condo Property Listings, Service Providers & Reverse Auctions for the Singapore market. where you can add your name to a buying list without being obliged to buy. Choose from categories, such as audio & video, computers or vehicles. Free local delivery! is an online and procurement solutions service provider for local designer Doreen Chee's dresses and bags. is the website of local makeup label Inuovi. is the website of independent financial planners. It offers unit trusts, money market funds as well as stocks to investors. or the print version, a morning tabloid, Project Eyeball, is a new newspaper set to hit the streets next month. Coming to you from Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). has gone online! This shop already has nine branches selling everything at S$1.99 each. Items range from crockery, utensils, confectionery,  household accessories, artificial flowers to Hello Kitty stationery. is a legal website coming online in August 2000. It will provide a one-stop centre for people to find lawyers.

BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in Singapore.


The Singaporean website community Set up your company's website here. More...

We are now 960 pages thick and growing.

Public Holidays NATIONAL DAY is the next public holiday. It falls on Wednesday 9 August 2000.

General Message Board

Madam Kang's Kitchen Message Board

Singapore Cemetery Warren Message Board 

BackPackers' Message Board

Cathay Cinema screened its last movie show on 30 Jun 2000. The 61-year-old building is expected to be demolished to make way for a new building.


*MeesPierson N.V. has merged with Fortis Bank (Netherland) N.V. and the new entity is known as Fortis Bank (Netherland) N.V. Fortis Bank (Netherland) N.V. has been issued a banking licence w.e.f. 23 Jun 2000 and MeesPierson N.V. has surrendered its banking licence.

New societies registered:

*Arulmigu Velmurugan Gnana Muneeswarar Temple  397 Serangoon road Singapore 218123 (24 Jun 2000)

*Asia DAB Committee of the World DAB Forum  140 Hill St #04-01 MITA Bldg Singapore 179369 (24 Jun 2000)

Please sign our guestbook... Thank you.

PEOPLE SEARCH: Let us flip through the phone book to help you find someone you wish to contact urgently. Email your request to


Singapore Government Website   Police Ministry Of Education  Consular Matters & Migrating (known as permanent residency)

Setting up a business? Do a free Name Search first to see whether the name you want is available. Click RCB.


 National Day 9 Aug 2000

Have you started displaying the Singapore flag at the facade of your residence yet?

Show your love for your country!

Advance estimates from the Ministry of Trade & Industry show that gross domestic product (GDP) in the 2nd quarter 2000 grew by 7.7%, in real terms, over the same period last year. Goods-producing industries is estimated to have grown by 7.8% and services-producing industries by 6.8%. The financial services industry is estimated to have declined due largely to the high base last year. The construction sector, however, remained sluggish.

EscapeArtist.Com  The website on overseas living for international job seekers and expatriates.  

ExpatSingapore  For expatriates planning to relocate to Singapore. Provides excellent information on Singapore.  

ContactSingapore  Step-by-step guide to applying for a job, flying into Singapore, getting an employment pass, and applying for visas for your spouse and children. 

Useful Services  Relocating to Singapore?

Fabulous At 40 Starring Koh Chieng Mun Directed by Hossan Leong. Music by Iskandar Ismail. 21-22 Jul 2000 Chijmes Hall  8pm. Tickets at S$35 & S$45. 

Vengaboys Live In Concert 2000  22 Jul 2000  7pm Siloso Beach, Sentosa

Singapore River Fiesta from 22 Jul - 9 Aug 2000. Venue: Singapore River.

A Vocal Recital by Ying Huang (world renowned soprano) Piano: J.J. Lenna      23 July 2000  8pm  Victoria Concert Hall

National Day Parade at the Padang on 9 Aug 2000.

See Entertainment for more local happenings!


Tourism Board

Tourist Arrival Statistics

BackPackers' Corner

Luggage Repair

Rent A Car

To get free copies of brochures on Singapore, including Singapore Official Guide, please click HERE.


Low Lying Areas In Singapore  Lists the flood-prone areas in Singapore.

Things you should know  Tells you things you need to be aware of. 

Good Eats

10 MUST VISIT places


2nd-hand Watches

Shopping Complaints


Fireworks Display


The top ten fiction and non-fiction titles sold at these bookstores last week

Top Ten KINOKUNIYA Bestsellers

 Top Ten BORDERS Bestsellers

 Top Ten MPH Bestsellers

Top Ten TIMES Bestsellers

This website is updated throughout the day every day and the Frontpage is updated between 10.00 pm and 12.00am Singapore time (+8 hours GMT).  


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Copyright ©1999, 2000  All rights reserved  Just A Click Away™


Friday 21 July 2000

Singapore's foreign trade grew by a sparkling 22.2 per cent to hit a record S$215 billion in the first half of the year. The growth rate, measured against last year's first half figures, was nearly twice the official forecast issued six months ago and strengthens the outlook for the economy. Trade Development Board chief Barry Desker told a news conference yesterday that, given the prevailing favourable external trading environment, Singapore's total trade this year is projected to expand by 15 - 17 per cent.

Singapore's Under-17 cricket team has been stranded in Karachi after a snatch thief made off with its travel documents. Two youths snatched team manager Bruce Yardley's briefcase on Wednesday as he was leaving an arline office in downtown Karachi.

The Public Service Commission (PSC), Public Service Division and 20 statutory boards, in a joint statement to The Straits Times yesterday, urged the 11 scholarship holders who intend to break their bonds to come out in the open and identify themselves. The statement said that by choosing to remain anonymous, "these 11 persons have cast an unjust cloud over the integrity of many other scholars".

Britain's biggest group of hospitals, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, which sent a team to Singapore to sign up at least 100 nurses in March, has met that target but failed to register a single Singapore-born nurse.

Singapore Cable Vision's Internet television will start as a trial service next month. The trial service may cost S$12 per month. It gives about 3000 initial subscribers broadband Internet access on their television screens and interactive television channels.

An 18-year-old junior college student was ambushed and molested by a man while walking along Serangoon Avenue 3 on Monday at about 9pm. She managed to foil the attack by screaming. The man fled before other people arrived.

All nine Community Development Councils join schools in Singapore today in celebrating Racial Harmony Day. 


Jakarta: A defiant President Abdurrahman Wahid yesterday brushed off demands from a hostile Parliament to account for his action in sacking two key ministers earlier this year, raising political tensions and increasing the prospects of bitter power struggles in the weeks ahead.

 Around the world

Washington: The American economy is showing signs of slowing and if that continues, it would lower the risk of accelerating inflation, said Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Courtesy of

The Straits Times

The Straits Times' history

Newspapers In Singapore

News updated by 8.00 am daily.



30ml Gin

15ml Cherry Brandy

120ml Pineapple Juice

15ml Lime Juice

7.5ml Cointreau

7.5ml Dom Benedictine

10ml Grenadine

A dash of Angostura Bitters

Garnish with a slice of pineapple & cherry

The Singapore Sling was created by Raffles Hotel bartender Mr Ngiam Tong Boon.


Singapore's economy grew at a strong 8.5% in the first half of the year following another period of fast growth in the second quarter. Boosted by the galloping expansion in the manufacturing sector, the April-June growth rate is expected to be a sizzling 7.7%.

The CPI is used as an inflation gauge by measuring the change in the prices of a fixed basket of goods purchased commonly by most households.

The Government has forecast that inflation will be within 2% this year.