www.moh.gov.sg |
Update on the Norovirus outbreak at Pioneer
Primary School |
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has completed
investigations into the recent Novovirus outbreak at Pioneer Primary
School. |
The index case was traced to a food handler
who worked at the school canteen on 23 to 25 July while she was
symptomatic. |
Close working proximity among the food
handlers and the sharing of toilet facilities further contributed to the
spread of infection. |
Norovirus was confirmed in the stool of six
food handlers. These findings highlight the importance of good food and
personal hygiene. In particular, symptomatic persons should refrain from
handling food when they are not well. |
The six infected food handlers have been
issued orders prohibiting them from working until they are certified
free of infection. MOH has also advised the school on the necessary
prevention and control measures to avoid future outbreaks. |
Pioneer Primary School recorded a total of
147 Norovirus gastroenteritis cases, comprising students, staff and food
handlers, during the recent outbreak. The illness is self-limiting and
most recovered within 1-3 days. None was hospitalised. |
Preventing infection |
Noroviruses are highly contagious.
They are found in the stool or vomit of infected people. |
Observing good hygiene practices is
key to avoiding getting infected. Those who have viral
gastroenteritis symptoms are advised not to attend school or work
until they are well. |
The following are some simple steps to
reduce the chances of Norovirus infections: |
- Wash your hands frequently,
especially after toilet visits, changing diapers and before
eating or preparing food.
- Wash fruits and vegetables
carefully, and steam oysters before eating them.
- Clean and disinfect contaminated
surfaces immediately and thoroughly after an episode of illness
by using household bleach in a ratio of one unit to 50 units of
- Remove and wash clothing or
linens that may be contaminated with virus immediately after an
episode of illness (use hot water and soap).
- Flush or discard any vomitus
and/or stool in the toilet and make sure that the surrounding
area is kept clean.
- Persons who are ill with
vomiting and diarrhea should not prepare food while they have
symptoms and for three days after they recover from their
illness. Food that may have been contaminated by an ill person
should be disposed off properly.
www.moh.gov.sg Press Release 8
Aug 2007 |
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