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     FrontPage Edition: Thu 13 September 2007

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Eight schools to be upgraded from 2009 to 2011


As part of the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) continuing efforts to renew and support our schools, eight more schools will be upgraded from 2009 to 2011 under the tenth phase of the Programme for Rebuilding and IMproving Existing Schools (PRIME).
The list of schools under PRIME Phase 10 can be found in the Annex.
Under PRIME, schools will have more classrooms and be fitted with new or upgraded facilities including media resource libraries, IT learning resource rooms and pastoral care rooms.
Schools undergoing PRIME will also benefit from the Flexible School Infrastructure (FlexSI) framework and the provision of an indoor sports hall as part of the upgrading plan.
PRIME was launched in May 1999 to upgrade all schools to the latest standards so as to provide a conducive learning environment for our students. Estimated to cost $4.5 billion, this programme is implemented in phases.
To date, 243 schools have been included in the earlier nine phases of PRIME. Of these, 207 schools have completed their upgrading.
Flexible School Infrastructure (FlexSI)
Under the FlexSI framework introduced in 2005, school infrastructure is made more flexible to support teaching approaches that better engage students, thus giving schools more room to innovate in teaching and learning.
For example, the schools could have modular classrooms that can be opened up for larger group lectures, or partitioned for smaller group discussions; special-purpose rooms could be designed such that multiple usage of such rooms can be made possible; common areas such as corridors and study areas could be designed such that they can be expanded learning spaces.
Indoor Sports Hall
Starting from early 2007, all schools would be provided with an indoor sports hall in phases.
An indoor sports hall will provide schools with greater flexibility to conduct Co-Curricular Activities and Physical Education lessons, which are integral to the holistic education that our schools provide. Students will have more opportunities to participate in sports and games at any time of the school day without having to worry about the weather.
The public may obtain more information on PRIME at or through the MOE Customer Service Hotline at tel. 6872 2220 during office hours.


12 September 2007


Source: Press Release 12 Sep 2007

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