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     FrontPage Edition: Fri 21 Apr 2006

Act 3 International & NAC present Kidsfest



1 - 6 Jun 2006

Co-presented by ACT 3 International with the National Arts Council for the Singapore Arts Festival 2006.
AIMED at 7 每 14 year-olds, KIDSFEST is the event for youngsters in the Singapore Arts Festival. For SIX DAYS from JUNE 1ST to 6TH, 2006 at the BARKER ROAD CAMPUS OF A C S.
What makes it cool to come?
• You do not need a plan. Simply go with the flow, respond spontaneously to the range of Music, Peforming and Visual Arts activities that are planned on the half-hour every day.
• You have to participate to make it all work.
• A rare opportunity to interact with the artistes, both local and from overseas, to learn, experience, and have a sense of the creative process of the art form
• One ticket for all of the 4 hours
• Feel the buzz, make the buzz, and be the buzz!
From a simple and ingenious idea of providing Arts experiences to the young all under ONE ROOF, the KIDSFEST of the Singapore Arts Festival is a much sought after event by parents and schoolteachers who want to encourage active engagement of their children in the Arts.
Taking full advantage of the revelry the Singapore Arts Festival creates every year, KIDSFEST is therefore an excellent platform to pull young people into the Arts with its INTERACTIVE legacy and all-in-one-place and do-as-much-as-you can concept.
Under the curation of ACT 3 International, Singapore*s foremost at creating Arts programmes for the young with both local and overseas artistes who do work for young people, this year*s KIDSFEST offers variety, range, funk, and fun.
What can young people hope to learn about themselves at the KIDSFEST
Ruby Lim-Yang, Artistic Director of ACT 3 International which is co-presenting this event with the National Arts Council, says,
※At the KIDSFEST, young people can discover their personal response to the various art forms, to see if they like it or not, if they are inspired to be creative, if they are creative, and open themselves to the possibility of discovering something in themselves when engaged in the activity, whatever it might be.§
With a balanced combination of local and overseas established artistes who are experienced at working with young people, this potent combination of visual arts, music and theatre will make the learning journey an enjoyable one with direct, active involvement. Young participants can tap into the talent and skills of the mix of artistes whose aim is to facilitate and provide an environment for self-discovery. Even grown-ups who accompany their young wards can learn, too!
Together, parents, children, and young teens will experience 4 hours of performances and workshops on mime, clay work, dance, drumming, clowning, stilt-walking, &stuff making*, plate spinning, balancing#the list is near endless!
Music Performance by Linsey Pollak

No, not what you put on bread!
Everything to do with music, but music of a very different kind.
Our artiste, LINSEY POLLAK from Australia, uses everything else but conventional musical instruments - from a garden hose to yes, dental floss - to overcome both cultural and language barriers, driving home the message that music is an art form with the power to bring people together, and one that allows for active participation by EVERYONE.
LINSEY POLLAK (Australia) - musician, instrument maker, composer, musical director and community music facilitator, Pollak has performed all around Australia and internationally, and has recorded 25 albums. His shows have toured to Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, North America, Brazil and many European Festivals. He has worked as a musical instrument maker for over 30 years and has designed numerous new wind instruments.
Making Stuff Workshop with Stuff Makers
Come to a drawing workshop but bring no pencils. STUFF MAKERS Francis, James, and Samirah, all Singaporean visual artists, will guide participants on a drawing journey with newspaper.
BYO (bring-your-own) newspapers will be welcomed, as experimentation is the order of the day with no right or wrong 每 just great imagination begetting great ideas for our ANT HILL installation art.
STUFF MAKERS (Singapore) 每 three Singapore visual artists in their own right, but who prefer to be known for making stuff, for, to them, without making stuff, there is no art. Premiering their style of spontaneity at art, these three artists of various skills 每 ceramics, sculpting, doodling, and just making stuff 每 bring together a wealth of talent to the workshops. Imagination is all that is needed for this workshop to match the genius of these three.

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Related Article:
- Singapore Arts Festival 2006

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