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     FrontPage Edition: Thu 18 May 2006

47 schools in Direct Admission Exercise for Sec 1 in 2007


47 Secondary Schools to Participate in the Direct School Admission (Secondary) Exercise Student Selection

The Direct School Admission Exercise (DSA) aims to promote holistic education by giving participating schools greater flexibility in selecting students while holding to the key principles of transparency and meritocracy.
For students, the DSA provides them the opportunity to demonstrate a more diverse range of achievements and talents in seeking admission to secondary schools.
This year, 47 schools, four more than last year, will be participating in the Direct School Admission Exercise for admission to Secondary One in 2007 (DSA-Sec).
Based on their track record of achievements and their development plans for their niche areas, the following four additional schools (in alphabetical order) have been approved by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to offer discretionary places under the DSA-Sec Exercise for schools with approved niche programmes:
School Niche
Admiralty Secondary Robotics Enterprise
Clementi Town Secondary Uniformed Groups
Jurong Secondary Basketball
Yishun Town Secondary Uniformed Groups
The full list of niche programme schools is at Annex A.
Direct School Admission Exercise for Secondary Level
Independent Schools (IS), Autonomous Schools (AS) and schools with approved niche programmes (NS) have the flexibility to admit up to 20%, 10% and 5% respectively of their intake using school-based criteria.
Schools offering Integrated Programme (IP) and NUS High School will continue to have full discretion in admission.
MOE will continue to invite applications from schools interested to establish niche programmes in subsequent years.
Student Selection
Each school has its own merit-based criteria for selection (academic and/or non-academic criteria), based on the student personal qualities and areas of focus (such as science, music, sports) that the school would like to emphasise.
Information on the schools participating in DSA-Sec Exercise, their selection criteria and their application and selection processes can be found on their respective websites. Annex B lists the participating schools and their website URLs.

Source: Press Release 18 May 2006

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