Services Available at CareerLink@mom
1. Self-Help Resources
We provide computers for users to surf the Internet to search
for job and learning opportunities, try out different career
assessment tools available on CD-ROMs and on the Internet, and
prepare their re sumes.
There is also a wide range of career resources, such as books,
publications and multimedia materials on job search, resume writing,
job interview skills, career management, human resource matters,
company annual reports and labour market reports, available for
Career Coaching
Career planning is an important aspect in our lives. Using a
methodology, our career coaches guide customers through a rewarding
and fruitful journey in gaining hidden or new insights about
themselves, which are important in their career decision-making.
We run workshops to equip users with the necessary job search
skills to enhance their success of landing the right job. These
include resume writing skills and preparation for job interviews.
Enhanced Job Assistance
This service will assist customers who are unable or have not
developed the ability to use the services by themselves. Our Career
Officers will assist customers in their job search via iJOBS (MOM's
Internet job bank), other job channels, or provide advice on
alternative job opportunities and training.
Our Customers
CareerLink@mom's comprehensive range of career-related services
aims to benefit Singaporeans who are:
1. entering the job market for the first time
2. considering upgrading their skills
3. exploring new job opportunities
4. considering re-entering the job market after a break
5. students exploring career options
6. human resource personnel
7. employers
8. career counsellors
9. training facilitators