Singapore Law
Permits & Passes
Bank ATMs
Getting Around
Estimated population of Singapore
citizens and permanent residents - 3,163,500 as at June 1998.
Other ethnic groups 1.4%
Working Language: English
Other official languages: Mandarin,
Malay & Tamil.
Planners expect the
population of Singapore to reach 5.5 million by 2040 or 2050, taking
into account an expected increase in the number of foreigners working
here. From just 3 million in 1990, the number has swelled to 3.9 million
today, including 700,000 foreigners.
A high-level working
committee is now looking at ways to encourage more couples to have
babies. Demographer Saw Swee Hock says that if the fertility rate
continues to stay below two, the population here, minus the foreigners,
will peak at about 3.3 million in 2025 and then begin to drop.
Singapore's water is
clean and safe to drink from the tap. There is no need to boil it.
The Editor
Raymond Han You can e-mail him at editor@getforme.com
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Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park
Pioneer Class of 2000: Singapore
Management University
Abstract of Currency Notes & Coins In
Singapore National Songs
Top Ten Books at POPULAR Bookstores
Top Ten Books at W.H.Smith Bookstore
Singapore Crime Situation for Jan
- Jun 2000
CPF Services - Milestones
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The WEATHER TODAY Slightly hazy and partly
cloudy. Showers are expected in the late morning and early afternoon mainly over northern,
southern, and eastern Singapore. TOMORROW'S WEATHER
Late morning and early afternoon showers are expected for Tuesday and
Wednesday. WATER TIDES High tide 10.46am 2.3m
10.03pm 2.6m SUN Sunrise
6.58 am Sunset 7.05 pm MOON Moonrise 5.22pm
Moonset 4.54am PSI: 45 (good) TEMPERATURE:
25-32 degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily at 8am Singapore
time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel:
(65) 542 7788.
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Monday with the Editor: Beware of conmen!

THE ILIAD 8 October 2000 at World Trade
Centre Auditorium 7.30 pm
Stroll along
Orchard Road - the shopping heart of Singapore
 Click logo to start tour |
Mdm Kang's Kitchen
Chilli Crabs |

In the past,
conmen from some countries would fax letters on official
government department letterheads over to would-be Singaporean
victims with too-sweet-to-turn-down offers. This modus operandi
worked so well that Nigeria's central bank, whose name was
frequently used in the scams, had to send letters regularly to
banks in Singapore to warn against bogus persons claiming to
represent the central bank. That was in the early nineties.
Just what
ruses did these conmen use? Well, it seemed they would pass off
as senior Nigerian government officials with much ill-gotten
gains which they needed to get out of the country. These conmen
would promise a huge commission to the unsuspecting victim if
the victim helped them to transfer the "millions of
dollars" out of the country. The conmen would insist on the
victim paying out a deposit of thousands of dollars to cover
some administrative fees. Once the money landed in their hands,
they conveniently disappeared.
Now, such
conmen are still lurking around - this time on the Internet as
well - seeking to lure unsuspecting Singaporeans into their
traps. Please do be careful. The conmen may not use Nigeria this
time around. They may use another African country's name. But,
the modus operandi should be similar. You will be asked to help
transfer secretly millions of dollars of ill-gotten money out of
the country and a generous commission will await you.
Remember -
these conmen prey on a common human weakness, GREED. Suspect all
Get-Rich-Quick schemes at once and you will never become a
Get-Poor-Quick victim.
We received our
400,000th hit on 22 Aug 2000!
Letters to the Editor
If you have
any comments or questions, please e-mail us at editor@getforme.com.
Coca-Cola Enjoy!
V-3000.com does web-design,
hosting and promotions.
Swadhin Productions is an
independent performing arts promoter. Inaugurated this
year (2000), the company aims to organise creative, experimental
and quality performances in Singapore & other parts of Asia.
For more information, please contact Swadhin Productions at Tel:
(65) 366 0234 Fax: (65) 363 3097.
AutoHub21.com is a new
vehicle online auction website where you can sell your used car
to dealers actively bidding for it. Presently, they have 18
dealers listed. A flat transaction fee of S$100 is charged upon
successful sale during the promotional period from Aug - Dec
is a recruitment website for job seekers and companies seeking
Olympics.com is the official
website of the Sydney Olympics 2000. Officials predict a
staggering total of 6.5 billion hits for the site.
SeniorLifeClub.com is
devoted to enriching the lives of seniors. It is the Internet
arm of Senior Life, a bi-monthly magazine.
is a career website that searches for a suitable
"match" between their clients and candidates. It was
established in 1993.
Bikers Homepage fulfils
all your motorcycling needs in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Info, rides, ads, links, tours, pics, hangouts, and much more.
Home-Club.com.sg is an
online grocery shop launched on 23 Aug 2000. They deliver during
working days but you can get free delivery with orders exceeding
S$30. You can also return unsatisfactory goods within 7 days.
or the print version, a morning tabloid, Project Eyeball, is a new newspaper
which hit the streets
on 12 Aug 2000. Brought to you by Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). one-99shop.com has gone
online! This shop already has nine branches selling everything at S$1.99 each.
Items range from crockery, utensils, confectionery,
household accessories, artificial flowers to Hello Kitty
stationery. wwlegal.com
is a legal website which went online in late August 2000. It provides
a one-stop centre for people to find lawyers. Click New
Websites for the rest of the list. |
BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in
The Singaporean website community Set up your company's
website here. More...
We are now 1,263 pages thick and growing. Public
Holidays DEEPAVALI is
the next public holiday. It falls on Thursday 26 October 2000.
Message Board Madam Kang's Kitchen Message
Board Singapore
Cemetery Warren Message Board BackPackers'
Message Board Registration for national
service for all male Singaporeans and permanent residents born between
13 Dec 1982 and 12 Mar 1983 started on 31 Jul 2000 and ends on 29 Sep
2000. For those born between 13 Mar 1983 & 12 Jun 1983,
registration starts on 2 Oct 2000 & ends on 24 Nov 2000. |
EscapeArtist.Com The website on overseas living for international
job seekers and expatriates.
ExpatSingapore For
expatriates planning to relocate to Singapore. Provides excellent
information on Singapore.
Step-by-step guide to applying for a job, flying into Singapore, getting an employment
pass, and applying for visas for your spouse and children. Useful
Services Relocating to
Longest Mooncake Dragon
Now till 12 Sep 2000 Lot Shoppers' Mall Atrium B.
Rated P(G) and performed in English and Mandarin Presented by Drama Box Written by Quah Sy Ren
Adapted & Directed by Sim Pern Yiau
Performed by: Alvin Chiam, Caroline Fernandez, Zelda Tatiana Ng
& Yeo Yann Yann 13 - 17 Sep 2000, 19 - 23 Sep 2000 8pm
Festival 2000 31 Aug -
13 Sep 2000 Chinese Garden 9am - 10pm Over 3,000 lanterns
from Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces in China are on display. Other
attractions include cultural shows and a food fair. Tickets at the door: S$7 (adult) & S$4
Asia “Chilled-out grooves and traditional cool” 22 Sep 2000 The
Courtyard, National Library at Stamford Rd 7pm End your day on an eclectic note with the
unique music of two of Asia’s top instrumentalists, Sara T
and Jessica, on erhu, sanxian and pipa. An exotic blend of
club sounds and dance beats rendered from traditional Chinese
instruments. Admission is Free. Everyone's welcome
See Entertainment for more information on
6 and still counting That's the number of MediaCorp Studios artistes
so far to have resigned to cross over to rival MediaWorks set up
by the SPH group.
Board Tourist Arrival Statistics BackPackers'
Corner Luggage Repair Rent A Car To get free copies of brochures on
Singapore, including Singapore Official Guide,
please click HERE.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Low Lying Areas In Singapore
Lists the flood-prone areas in
Singapore. Things you should know
Tells you things you need to be
aware of - disasters, drowning cases, Hotel New World...
Good Eats
10 MUST VISIT places
2nd-hand Watches
Shopping Complaints
The top ten fiction and
non-fiction titles sold at these bookstores last week
website is updated throughout the day every day and the FrontPage is
updated between 10.00 pm and 12.00am Singapore time (+8 hours GMT).
Contact us at help@getforme.com
P.O. Box 162
Hougang Mall Post Office Singapore 915306 Tel: (65) 282 4221 Fax: (65)
281 4785. The business name getforme.com is registered in the Republic of
Singapore under Certificate of Registration Number 52908811L
©1999, 2000 All rights reserved
Monday 11 Sep 2000

A 19-year-old full-time
national serviceman was arrested in the early hours of Saturday, after a
teenaged girl reported that he had pulled out a gun while they were in a
Geylang hotel. The weapon turned out to be an imitation pistol. He
pulled out the gun and placed it on a table when she resisted his
alleged sexual advances towards her.
Pawnshops did a roaring
business last year, with a turnover of S$1.1 billion. Singaporeans and
other residents, needing quick cash, made a total of 2.5 million
transactions at the more than 70 pawnshops here, said Parliamentary
Secretary (Prime Minister's Office and Health) Chan Soo Sen
Cebu: Four Europeans were
released by Muslim extremists on Saturday after 140 days in the
Philippine jungle. French Stephan Loisy, German Marc Wallert and Finns
Seppo Fraenti and Risto Vahanen were flown to the central Philippine
city of Cebu shortly after being freed by Abu Sayyaf gunmen in Jolo.
Tokyo: A 1999 comprehensive
survey by the Management and Coordination Agency showed that in
households of the unemployed elderly, the average monthly income was
261,000 yen (S$4300), disposable income 238,000 yen and consumption
expenditure 255,000 yen, making a deficit of 17,000 yen. This forced
elderly citizens to dip into their savings. Elderly citizens with longer
lives who hope to maintain their standard of living would either have to
have bigger savings or continue working.
Around the world
Vienna: Opec oil ministers
said yesterday its members had agreed to a 2.8% boost in output after
prior efforts failed to prevent oil prices from reaching a 10-year high.
Opec will add 800,000 barrels to daily production quotas starting 1 Oct
Chicago: Since 1995, at
least 1720 hospital patients have died and 9548 have been injured in
American hospitals because of mistakes made by registered nurses, the
Chicago Tribune discovered in an analysis of three million state and
federal records. Its analysis found out that many hospitals have turned
increasingly to part-time nurses from temporary agencies.
Sologubovka, Russia:
Hundreds of German and Russian war veterans flocked to this remote
village at the weekend for the opening of Russia's largest war cemetery,
which is set to house the remains of up to 80,000 German soldiers.
Sologubovka lies about 70km north-east of Russia's second largest city
St Petersburg, the former Leningrad, which withstood a 900-day siege by
German forces during World War II.
The Straits Times' history
In Singapore
News updated
by 8.00 am daily.
30ml Gin
15ml Cherry Brandy
120ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Lime Juice
7.5ml Cointreau
7.5ml Dom Benedictine
10ml Grenadine
A dash of Angostura
Garnish with a slice of
pineapple & cherry
The Singapore Sling was
created by Raffles Hotel bartender Mr Ngiam Tong Boon.