Singapore Law
Permits & Passes
Bank ATMs
Getting Around
Estimated population of Singapore
citizens and permanent residents - 3,163,500 as at June 1998.
Other ethnic groups 1.4%
Working Language: English
Other official languages: Mandarin,
Malay & Tamil.
Planners expect the
population of Singapore to reach 5.5 million by 2040 or 2050, taking
into account an expected increase in the number of foreigners working
here. From just 3 million in 1990, the number has swelled to 3.9 million
today, including 700 000 foreigners.
A high-level working
committee is now looking at ways to encourage more couples to have
babies. Demographer Saw Swee Hock says that if the fertility rate
continues to stay below two, the population here, minus the foreigners,
will peak at about 3.3 million in 2025 and then begin to drop.
Singapore's water is
clean and safe to drink from the tap. There is no need to boil it.
The Editor
Raymond Han You can e-mail him at editor@getforme.com
What's New on our
Singapore National Songs
Top Ten Books at POPULAR Bookstores
Top Ten Books at W.H.Smith Bookstore
Singapore Crime Situation for Jan
- Jun 2000
CPF Services - Milestones
CityLink: Singapore's First
Subterranean Mall
Tax Collection Statistics
Environment: Water
Newly Registered Public
CPF Contribution Rates Over The Years
HDB Flats Built Over The Years
Vehicles: Top 10 Sellers
The Straits Times' history
National Service Registration
Health Questions & Answers
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ERP Rates
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Golden Mike Awards
Recent Property Sale Transactions
Our National Library
Radio Music Awards
Teddy-Bear Making Workshops by
Jennifer Laing
The Esplanade - Theatres On The Bay
Approved Institutions for abortion
The WEATHER TODAY: Showers with
thunder in the afternoon mainly over northern, southern and western
Afternoon showers can be expected for Tuesday and Wednesday. WATER TIDES High tide 4.09am 2.4m
4.37pm 2.4m SUN Sunrise 7.06
am Sunset 7.16 pm MOON Moonrise
1.06pm Moonset 12.40am PSI: 38 (good) TEMPERATURE:
24-32 degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily at 8am Singapore
time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel:
(65) 542 7788.
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Monday with the Editor: School Discipline

City Hall in St Andrew's Road
Stroll along
Orchard Road - the shopping heart of Singapore
 Click logo to start tour |
Mdm Kang's Kitchen
Chilli Crabs |
Put the cane in
the teachers' hands
National Day
is two days away. It is time now to ponder the future of
Singapore - in particular, our children's future. Many of us are
now in our thirties and forties. We have children who are still
attending school. Because we do not have much time to spend with
them, we tend to be slack with them. We let our children have
whatever they ask for - perhaps, out of guilt. We also do not
discipline them and leave it to the school to do it for us.
Therein lies
the problem with the children of Singapore nowadays. Many of us
leave the disciplining of our children to the schools and many
schools are reluctant to discipline their students. In secondary
schools, discipline is getting from bad to worse - even in good
schools. Boys and girls are more difficult to control in class.
Teachers are now at a loss as they find it difficult to handle
their charges in class. Teachers cannot use the cane. They
cannot impose corporal punishment on their students. That
privilege lies with the principal. And more principals are
reluctant to use the cane on their students, preferring instead
to counsel them. More...
We received our
300,000th hit on 26 Jul 2000!
If you have
any comments or questions, please e-mail us at editor@getforme.com.
Legends-resort.com is
the website of The Legends Golf and Country Resort in Malaysia.
It is a masterplanned resort.
AsiaUnitTrust.com is an
Asian portal on unit trust; very comprehensive and good
coverage. Includes screening and financial calculations.
Tengjeehum.com is the
website of Singaporean artist Teng Jee Hum. His works are
showcased on the website.
Smxasia.com is the website of
Stars & Movies Exchange of Asia. Buy and Sell your favourite
Stars and Movies with FREE money. Use your profit to buy things
in their shop. Learn, have fun & be rewarded.
VirtualBanking2000.com is an
online web conference co-ordinated by RMR Plc. It provides over
100 papers, audio and video presentations from key players in
the industry. It also has 'live' discussion forums, an online
exhibition hall and free Internet-based training on a variety of
subjects in the e-college. All free for those who sign up as
delegates. For more information, please e-mail jay.mandevia@rmrplc.com.
TiongChoon.com.sg is the
website of car dealer Tiong Choon.
is a stress management website. Great for students as it has
tips for students coping with stress.
SetthaPalace.com is the
website of Settha Palace Hotel Laos. It is a French Colonial
Hotel in Ventiane, Laos built in 1930 and fully renovated in
1999. HDBhousing.com is a new
community website for HDB flat dwellers launched on 23 Jul 2000.
or the print version, a morning tabloid, Project Eyeball, is a new newspaper set to hit the streets
next month. Coming to you from Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). one-99shop.com has gone
online! This shop already has nine branches selling everything at S$1.99 each.
Items range from crockery, utensils, confectionery,
household accessories, artificial flowers to Hello Kitty
stationery. wwlegal.com
is a legal website coming online in August 2000. It will provide
a one-stop centre for people to find lawyers. |
BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in
The Singaporean website community Set up your company's
website here. More...
We are now 1,038 pages thick and growing. Public
Holidays NATIONAL DAY is
the next public holiday. It falls on Wednesday 9 August 2000.
Message Board Madam Kang's Kitchen Message
Board Singapore
Cemetery Warren Message Board BackPackers'
Message Board Registration for national
service for all male Singaporeans and permanent residents born between
13 Dec 1982 and 12 Mar 1983 started on 31 Jul 2000 and ends on 29 Sep
2000. |
EscapeArtist.Com The website on overseas living for international
job seekers and expatriates.
ExpatSingapore For
expatriates planning to relocate to Singapore. Provides excellent
information on Singapore.
Step-by-step guide to applying for a job, flying into Singapore, getting an employment
pass, and applying for visas for your spouse and children. Useful
Services Relocating to
Singapore River Fiesta from 22 Jul - 9
Aug 2000. Venue: Singapore River.
A comedy. From 27 Jul - 6 Aug
2000 8pm at Drama Centre;
29 - 30 Jul 2000 & 5 - 6 Aug 2000 Drama Centre 3pm
Artists In Singapore
Paintings by nine renowned French artists are being showcased. 3 - 16 Aug 2000. 160 Orchard Road Level 4
Orchard Point Exhibition Hall. 11am - 7pm daily
National Day Parade at the Padang on 9
Aug 2000.
Spirits Play 17 - 20 Aug 2000 at The Battle Box; 25 -
26 Aug 2000 at Victoria Theatre. A TheatreWorks Production.
The one-month-long Hungry Ghosts Festival starts on Monday
31 Jul 2000 and ends on 28 Aug 2000. The Lantern
Festival follows thereafter.
See Entertainment for more local
Board Tourist Arrival Statistics BackPackers'
Corner Luggage Repair Rent A Car To get free copies of brochures on
Singapore, including Singapore Official Guide,
please click HERE.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Low Lying Areas In Singapore
Lists the flood-prone areas in
Singapore. Things you should know
Tells you things you need to be
aware of.
Good Eats
10 MUST VISIT places
2nd-hand Watches
Shopping Complaints
Fireworks Display
The top ten fiction and
non-fiction titles sold at these bookstores last week
website is updated throughout the day every day and the Frontpage is
updated between 10.00 pm and 12.00am Singapore time (+8 hours GMT).
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P.O. Box 162
Hougang Mall Post Office Singapore 915306 Tel: (65) 282 4221 Fax: (65)
281 4785. The business name getforme.com is registered in the Republic of
Singapore under Certificate of Registration Number 52908811L
©1999, 2000 All rights reserved Just A Click Away™
Monday 7 Aug 2000

More than 220 tonnes of
narcotics with a street value of S$5.3 billion were seized and destroyed
here in the three years from 1996 to 1998. In the same period, the
number of traffickers arrested also jumped by almost 60% to 1,016
compared to the three-year period before that. Out of this, 78 people
were convicted and hanged.
A man died after a nail,
which was shot from a nail gun, bounced off a wall and pierced through
his upper arm and chest. Mr Shanmugam Ramesh, 28, an Indian national,
was standing behind a co-worker when the freak accident occurred at 10am
on Saturday.
The unemployment rate for
June 2000 was 3.5%. For the first half of this year, 7,700 people were
retrenched, compared to 6,700 in the same period last year. Most of the
retrenchments came from the manufacturing sector, which was severely
affected by the cycle of upgrading and restructuring, said Manpower
Minister Lee Boon Yang last night.
A National University of
Singapore undergraduate drowned on Saturday during a dive practice which
was meant to teach him how to rescue others. Lim Chun Keong, 22, a
second-year chemical engineering student had gone to Pulau Hantu, an
island south-west of Singapore, with several instructors and students.
Jakarta: As Indonesia
hovered over another critical threshold in its experiment with
democracy, national laders yesterday attended a peace rally in the hope
of keeping the political fireworks confined to the legislative meetings
beginning today, and out of the streets.
Around the world
London: Britain's
biggest-selling newspaper, The News of the World, has been forced to
abandon its campaign to name and shame paedophiles after two weeks of
vigilante attacks and mob hysteria. It had printed the photographs,
names and wherabouts of almost 100 child sex offenders on the past two
Sundays and as recently as Wednesday said it would continue naming and
shaming and printing pictures of up to another 100,000 paedophiles.
The Straits Times' history
In Singapore
News updated
by 8.00 am daily.
30ml Gin
15ml Cherry Brandy
120ml Pineapple Juice
15ml Lime Juice
7.5ml Cointreau
7.5ml Dom Benedictine
10ml Grenadine
A dash of Angostura
Garnish with a slice of
pineapple & cherry
The Singapore Sling was
created by Raffles Hotel bartender Mr Ngiam Tong Boon.