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       Monday with the Editor: Third Child Maternity Leave

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Eligible Mothers

Q1   Who is eligible under the scheme?

A:    Working mothers (both employed and self-employed) will qualify for the scheme if the child for whom they are claiming 3rd Child Maternity Leave (3CML) fulfills the following conditions:

-  Child is the third live birth of the mother (stepchildren or adopted children are not considered)

-  Child is a Singapore citizen

-  Child's mother must be lawfully married to the child's father at the time of the child's birth.

Q2   What is considered a live birth?

A:    A live birth is deemed as such when the child is born alive (i.e. not a still birth)

Q3   Is there any age/educational qualification tied to the eligibility?

A:    No. There are no eligibility criteria based on age or educational qualification.

Employed Mothers

Q4   Is there a minimum period of employment before I qualify for the scheme?

A:    Yes. You must have worked with your employer for at least 180 days before the birth of your child.

Q5   How much can I claim?

A:    You can claim up to 8 weeks' salary, subject to a maximum of S$20,000 (including CPF contributions). It will be pro-rated according to the actual duration of the maternity leave period.

Q6   I already have a first child and I am now expecting twins. Would I qualify to claim for both my 2nd child maternity leave and 3rd child maternity leave?

A:    You can only claim either the 2nd child or 3rd child maternity leave, but not both. Employees who are already entitled to maternity leave under the Employment Act will not be entitled to 3CML.

Q7   If my baby is born before 1 April 2001 and I am still on maternity leave as at 1 April 2001, will I be eligible for the scheme?

A:    Yes. You are still eligible for the scheme if you fulfill the eligibiltiy criteria. However, you can only claim for the period of maternity leave consumed on or after 1 April 2001.

Q8   Where can I obtain the declaration forms?

A:    The declaration forms can be obtained from MCDS by calling the toll-free line or downloading from MCDS website.

Self-Employed Mothers

Q9   How do I claim for 3 CML if I am self-employed?

A:    Within a month from the birth of the child, you can make a claim to MCDS for the loss of income during the maternity leave period. You will be reimbursed based on your average income over the 180 days before the maternity leave period.

Q10  What documents must I submit to show proof of my income status?

A:    The following documents should be submitted to MCDS with your claims. They are:

-  A six-month income and expenditure statement for the period preceding the maternity leave

-  Latest available year-end income

-  Latest available year-end income and expenditure account declared for taxation

-  Certificate of Registration/Incorporation of Business/Company

-  Any other documents to support your claim

Q11  I became self-employed only 3 months before my confinement. Can I claim for 3CML?

A:    No. You must have been engaged in a particular business/trade/profession or vocation for at least 180 days before you can claim 3CML on the income derived from that business/ trade/profession or vocation.

Q12  Is there a time frame for me to submit the claim?

A:    The claim should be submitted within one month after the birth of the child.

MCDS Hotline: 1800-253 7737


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