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  Who Dares Travel - Surfing Patterns At Online

       Travel Sites (cont'd)

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CHART: Visitorship To Online Travel Sites

Online Travel Sites Attracting Younger Wired Audience

  Almost three in five visitors to online travel sites were professionals, managers, executives and businessmen (PMEBs).  Student constituted about one-fifth of the visitorship while the non-working segment (e.g., retirees, housewives) made up 12.2%.  Compared to the January 2001, there has been a notable increase in the younger wired audience segment. 

   “The proportion of those aged between 15 and 24 has increased from 17.7% to 33% since the beginning of the year.   The increase was off-set by the decrease in 25-34 years age segment.  Not surprisingly, there has been a corresponding decline in the median income range from S$2,001-S$2,500 to S$1,501-S$2,000 as the younger wired audience is likely to have less purchasing power.”  Said Dr.  Loo.


Terms used in this release

Travel Sites: Are sites comprising travel agencies and hotels.

Reach: Represents the percentage of unique Internet users who connected at least once during the reference period.

Unique visitors: Represents the number of unique projected Internet users who connected at least once during the reference period. 

Duration per user (min): Average duration of use (in minutes) per user during the reference period.  For domain, it is an average time an Internet user spent on a particular domain.  As for protocol usages (e.g., instant messaging) it is an average duration of the session involved in that particular protocol activity.

About NetValue

NetValue, a global Internet measurement company, provides the most comprehensive picture of consumer behaviour online. NetValue recruits and operates meticulously structured user panels to yield unique and detailed Internet usage (and audience) reports.

NetValue’s technology delivers insightful information on Internet behaviour, capturing all Internet activity including web, email, chat, audio, video, games, instant messaging and more.

Founded in France in 1998, NetValue S.A. currently owns panels in Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. NetValue Limited, a subsidiary headquartered in Hong Kong, owns panels in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. NetValue clients include Engage, Kimo, Lycos, MSN, Modem Media, Morgan Stanley, Salomon Smith Barney, Sohu,, Yahoo! and Zenith Media.


NetValue panels are recruited by market research firm Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) globally, and are fully representative of the Internet universe in each country. An establishment survey quantifies and profiles the number of Internet users in each country, gathering both Internet related data (e.g. level of Internet penetration, main ISP used, how long the household has been connected) and demographic and socio-economic data. The most current characteristics of the Internet user population are determined through monthly random digit dialing telephone interviews. Once recruited, panelists download NetValue’s technology, NetMeterTM, onto their home computers, enabling NetValue to track the most up-to-date Internet behaviours.

Keep your finger on the pulse of the Internet world. Subscribe to Blink, NetValue’s monthly newsletter, at

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The End




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