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The WEATHER on MONDAY: Showers with thunder in the late afternoon and early evening mainly over northern Singapore.    WEATHER OUTLOOK: TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: Afternoon and early evening showers are expected.   WATER TIDES (this month)  High tide 7.28am  2.6m   7.41pm  2.5m   SUN Sunrise  6.56am  Sunset 6.59pm   MOON  Moonrise   2.49am   Moonset   3.12pm    PSI: 43 (good)   TEMPERATURE: 24-32  degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily before 8am Singapore time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel: (65) 542 7788.

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Monday with the Editor: Taking life for granted

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  We are already more than a month into the end-year school holidays. In three weeks' time, the new school year will start and students will return to school life once again - it's a cycle that is being taken for granted by many students.

  But, some students may not get to return to school after this holiday season. In fact, some not only drop out of the school cycle, but also out of life itself. Sad, isn't it? 

  Last Friday, a 14-year-old boy went about his holiday routine - having fun - but I am sure it never crossed his mind that he would not wake up to see another day on this good earth. Harry CHAU, from 2A1 at Montfort Secondary School, died after attempting a bicycle stunt in a practice session at the Asia Xtour event held at Ngee Ann City's Civic Plaza.

  When school reopens at Montfort next January, I know that many of his classmates, as well as schoolmates, will miss having him around. So will I, when I return to relief teaching at Montfort in the new year.

  It saddens me every time I hear of a young person struck down in his prime - never getting to taste going to university, doing national service, becoming a spouse and a parent, and growing old. It brings to mind some saying in a book - The Gift of Age - I reviewed recently. In it, local celebrity David Kraal said, "To all you young ones who have no time for the old, I say, 'Don't pity us, the grandfathers and grandmothers of this world. In fact, I pity you - because you have to wait so long to taste the fullness and the extreme happiness that comes with being a grandparent.' 

  Well, Harry CHAU will never get the chance to grow old and to taste that fullness and extreme happiness that comes with being a grandparent - something the gift of age bestows.

  I have always made it a point to tell my students, just before a holiday period, to have fun, but make sure they come back after the holidays - in other words, do safe things during the holidays. And my students, whether they be in Sec 1, 2, 3 or 4, will flash me that impish grin. I guess when I return to school next year, these young chaps will reflect silently the next time I dish out such advice.

  My condolences go out to Harry's family. It is said that when young people die, their souls are reincarnated very quickly. If that is true, then Harry is on his way to a new life. Good Luck Harry!

Christmas Trees 2001

View the main Christmas Trees put up at the various shopping centres in Singapore

Christmas Decorations 2001 (exterior)

NEW WEBSITES  is local Social Development Unit's (SDU) website for singles in search of love. Launched on 3 Dec 2001. Features interactive webchats for members.  This site is maintained by a retired senior citizen. It provides information on how to grow old gracefully, actively, positively, healthily and happily  Information and news about the silat world; welcomes you to be a part of them.  Home for designed and hand-stitched Teddy Bear.  Professional services include accounting, bookkeeping, corporate secretarial, incorporation, payroll, taxation and financial management in Singapore.  Expatriates relocations services and easy to use property search engine for landlords, tenants, buyers, sellers or realtors.

Click New Websites for the rest of the list.

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BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in Singapore.

We are now 3348 pages thick and growing.

Public Holidays HARI RAYA PUASA is the next public holiday. It falls on 16 Dec 2001.

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10 December 2001

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