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The WEATHER on MONDAY: Showers with thunder in the afternoon and early evening over most areas.    WEATHER OUTLOOK: TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: Afternoon and early evening showers with thunder expected.   WATER TIDES (this month)  High tide 1.11am  2.8m   11.56am  3.1m   SUN Sunrise  6.53am  Sunset 6.55pm   MOON  Moonrise   9.22pm   Moonset   8.56am    PSI: 35 (good)   TEMPERATURE: 24-32  degrees Celsius (The weather is updated daily before 8am Singapore time) For more information, call Meteorological Service Singapore Tel: (65) 542 7788.

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Monday with the Editor: New Virus Invades Computers Worldwide

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Mdm Kang's Kitchen Chilli Crab

  Hallo again

  Last week, a new virus invaded computers in Asia and around the world. This virus, named worm_badtrans.B, is actually a variation of the one which attacked computers months ago. According to Trend Micro's World Virus Tracking Center, this new virus has completed more than 20,000 infections since it was born on 25 Nov 2001.

  This new virus hammered my e-mail program, resulting in many e-mails being sent to people who have written to me in the past, thereby spreading itself to them.

  I didn't know my e-mail program was hit by the virus, till an acquaintance on the Internet e-mailed me saying she had opened an e-mail I sent here and couldn't make sense out of the attachment I had sent her.

  She said she opened the e-mail because it carried the address - and she trusted my e-mail address.

  That's how these viruses do their damage. They invade the computers of individuals without their knowledge or permission and using the address list stored in these computers, send e-mails, containing viruses to these addresses, knowing pretty well that the receivers of such e-mails would open the e-mails without a moment's hesitation.

  These chaps who design the virus programs sure know how to take advantage of the frailty of human inter-relationships to do their damage.

  I got rid of this virus within a day. It's been a week since this new worm started doing damage to e-mail programs around the world, and going by the inordinately high number of suspect virus e-mails which I receive on this portal, I guess, the virus is still doing its work.

  In the week, I have since learnt to avoid opening e-mails which have in their subject heading: RE: and having a fixed length, i.e. 41 Kbytes). That's the modus operandi of this worm - worm_badtrans.B. If you should receive e-mails with similar "symptoms" - please delete the e-mail immediately. Remember - this worm (type of virus) doesn't even need you to open its attachment in order to infect your computer. It just needs you to open the e-mail itself.

  But if your computer is infected by this new worm, you can get free scanning and killing of the virus ONLINE by visiting:  

Christmas Trees 2001

View the main Christmas Trees put up at the various shopping centres in Singapore

Christmas Decorations 2001 (exterior)

NEW WEBSITES  is local Social Development Unit's (SDU) website for singles in search of love. Launched on 3 Dec 2001. Features interactive webchats for members.  This site is maintained by a retired senior citizen. It provides information on how to grow old gracefully, actively, positively, healthily and happily  Information and news about the silat world; welcomes you to be a part of them.  Home for designed and hand-stitched Teddy Bear.  Professional services include accounting, bookkeeping, corporate secretarial, incorporation, payroll, taxation and financial management in Singapore.  Expatriates relocations services and easy to use property search engine for landlords, tenants, buyers, sellers or realtors.

Click New Websites for the rest of the list.

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BANKmates: Get a Personal Assistant to do your errands in Singapore.

We are now 3324 pages thick and growing.

Public Holidays HARI RAYA PUASA is the next public holiday. It falls on 16 Dec 2001.

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3 December 2001

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